What is Happening?!?!

What is Happening?!?!?

I am SO READY TO FEEL WARM!!!!!!!!  I wore my coat most of the day today because I keep trying to wear spring-type clothing when winter (in my sarcastic tone) won't go away!  

I was feeling particularly grumpy about this today as I was driving, and it was like I got a "glass half-full" slap in the face!  Why?  Because the scenery around me is changing!  What was brown and dead is now turning green and budding!  This means we are one step closer to my favorite season----SUMMER!

Summer is my favorite season for so many reasons, but the main reason is the HOT weather!  Sunny & HOT!  I love the feel of the sun on my face, and one day soon we will hopefully be feeling just that!

........and one more thing----Winter, I have one thing to say to you:  You're stepping on spring's toes!  



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