These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Things have been a little bit CrAzY lately......  When I am feeling stressed, I like to pause and remember the things that put a smile on my face.  Have you ever seen The Sound of Music?  If not, you definitely should!  The movie version was released almost 53 years ago, and it is wonderful!  There is a scene during a bad thunderstorm in which the children in the movie are frightened, and their nanny helps them through their fears by remembering their favorite things.  Here are a few of mine:

Favorite People ~ My two daughters!  They are funny, sweet, and always know how to cheer me up!

Favorite Food ~ Anything Mexican!  Specifically Tex-Mex-----YUM!

Favorite Hobby ~ Reading!  I can get lost in a good book----especially a good mystery.  I also love to work puzzles.

Favorite Music ~ Christian.  I'm actually very eclectic in music tasted, but Big Daddy Weave is my "go-to" when I need encouragement!

Favorite Weekend Plans ~ Doing nothing ~ lol!  I love watching my daughters play in volleyball and basketball tournaments, but when we have a chance to be at home on the weekend, I am happy!

Favorite Movie ~ This is a tough one!  I am a movie person, so there are so many that I love!  As far as animated films, I love Disney movies, (I'm still a kid at heart!).  My favorite genre is definitely romantic comedy, so I would say anything along those lines.

Favorite TV Show:  I love ABC's TGIT line-up! 

Favorite Holiday:  Definitely Christmas!  I am not a fan of winter weather, so Christmas is a wonderful bright spot during my least favorite season.

Favorite Season:  SUMMER!!  Only because of the weather, though........  I like it hot & sunny!

Favorite Baseball team:  St. Louis Cardinals!  Enough said....

Favorite Sport to Watch:  Tennis.  I've always been a huge fan!

Favorite Musical:  Wicked.  I am a HUGE musical person---I used to teach music!

If you want to see this clip of The Sound of Music, click HERE!


  1. I would never have guessed you would be a huge tennis fan!! I am fascinated in that I have never met a tennis lover...ever! I love learning new things every day! :) Tennis it is!

  2. I really enjoyed PLAYING tennis but hated to watch it. I'd bring a book or two to my meets.

  3. I now have Favorite Things stuck in my head! The Sound of Music is the first musical I can remember watching. I also <3 St. Louis Cardinals! Bet no one would have guessed that. ;) Great list of important things to know about you!

  4. I loves finding out a few of your favorite things. Daughters rock, as do your music choices and movies!


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