Today Was Monday...
Slice of Life Land ~ Today was Monday! The first day back from spring break, (in which I had 2 students tell me that they missed me, which made my entire week!), it was rainy (inside recess for most), and did I mention that it was a Monday? =)
I thought it might be interesting to search some facts about some people's least favorite day of the week in an attempt to celebrate this day that starts our school week! Some are odd, & some are funny, so here we go!
- According to the Daily Express, a survey in 2011 reported that the average person moans for about 34 minutes on a Monday morning, compared to 22 minutes on other days. (What?!?!)
- Monday is the most popular day of the week for online shopping. (Sounds fun to me!=)
- Typically, Monday is the least rainy day of the week! (Except for today, ha!)
- Monday is the best day of the week to go car shopping! You'll get more attention from the sales people, & get a better deal on a Monday. (Who knew?!)
- The Hershey Chocolate Company began manufacturing Hershey kisses on a Monday ~ Monday, July 1, 1907 to be exact!
- The first comic strip appearance of Mickey Mouse was on a Monday!
- Monday represents a day to start fresh! Did you blow your diet over the weekend? Never fear, MONDAY is here!
- New research shows the we are more likely to meet goals if they're initially set on a Monday, versus a Thursday. That's interesting!
- Mondays offer a new week, full of new opportunities & second chances!
- And my favorite, (& I'm sure it's every else's favorite, too, who is around me on Monday mornings ~ kidding!:) Monday is when you get to tell all of your weekend stories!
So, happy Monday, Slice of Life Land! It was a good day!
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