Get Outta Here!

Being outside...........this seems like a concept of the past sometimes.  As an educator & a mom, I have noticed a decrease in what I like to refer to as "kids being kids."  Some students prefer to be on devices, playing video games, etc.... rather than going outside to play!  As the weather is warming up, (yay!), Here are some of my favorite activities to do outside, (as well as my daughters'):

  • Take Walk ~ Grab a friend, and get some fresh air!  Enjoy the company, as well as the exercise. 
  • Go on a Bike Ride ~ This is something we did more as my daughters were younger, but I have always enjoyed a good bike ride!  (I had a terrible bike accident as a child, ouch!)
  • Swim ~ Only when it gets warmer, of course!
  • Play Sports ~ Basketball & volleyball are favorites in my household.
  • Watch Sports ~ Go to a baseball, softball or soccer game!
  • Sit outside & Read or Relax ~ I love to sit outside when there's a breeze - either on a porch swing, or my back patio - and read, think about things, or just enjoy the sunshine.
  • Play with a Friend ~ This is a big one for me!  I loved it when my daughters were younger, & would just go outside & play!  Neighborhood kids playing together = some of the best times!
  • Play Outside with Your Pet ~ My dog does not enjoy being outside (can you say, "spoiled?!")......unless we are outside with him.  He loves to run around with us & take walks with my girls.
Now, I'll admit it ~ I do enjoy indoor activities, such as watching TV and playing Just Dance with my daughters and D group from church!  (I feel like I'm super awesome at Just Dance, but in reality, I'm sure I am ridiculous, ha!)  However, balancing indoor & outdoor fun is the way to go!  So, get out there & get some sunshine!

What is your favorite thing to do for some outdoor fun?


  1. Sometimes I'll take my book outside and read while my kids are outside playing. Or I like to run. I run on a treadmill out of necessity regarding weather, but I much prefer to run outside.

    I see lots of friends who hike and enjoy that, but I'm just not sure. I'm pretty sure that would be at the bottom of my husband's "fun list," and I'm allergic to anything green and growing, so I think it's a grander adventure in my brain than what would be reality for us. Haha!!!

  2. We like to go to the walking trails at Wilderness Park in Frontenac. They were built where the land was mined so there are some pretty mean hills throughout that get your thighs a howling!! I love to go to baseball games and enjoy going to the lake. I even enjoy mowing the lawn and messing with my flowers and bushes in the yard! The girls love to take the dogs for walks and I sit many hours outside at track meets...which are right around the corner!!


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